Specialty: Program Creation and Planning (by PORTA) / Responsible for the Planning and inplementation of POLYPHONICact's program / Teacher.
She was born in Athens. She graduated from the Drama School "Archi" in 2004 and from the "London International School of Performing Arts" (LISPA) in London in 2008. She completed a pedagogical training program in LISPA with a scholarship and joined the faculty. She is a founding member of "Patari Project", where she has directed the productions "10cm up" and "10cm updated", "Bal in the Air", "Odyssey", "Catching a Shoe on the Piano", "Myti" and "Hionani".
As an actress she has worked with Lilo Baur, Helen Chadwick at the Royal Opera House in London, Dessislava Stefanova, with the groups "Out of Chaos", "Babakas" etc.
She has worked as a movement specialist in the production of the National Theatre of Northern Greece "Iphigenia in the Land of Bulls" directed by Thomas Moschopoulos and in the productions of the Theatre PORTA "Trial of K" and "Candide or the Optimism" directed by the same.
Since 2006, she has been teaching body theater to children, adolescents, teachers and actors in theater schools, artistic institutions, etc. such as the Drama School "Archi", the National Theatre of Northern Greece, the Theatre PORTA, the London Bubble, the BE Festival, the Birmingham School of Acting (BSA) and the National Theater of England.